Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Comics Improv

For the first time ever, we actually made some jam comics at one of our sketch nights. In attendance were Randy, Darian, Amber, Elton, and me. Elton gave us a couple story seeds... objects that had to be included somehow in each comic. The results were pretty fun, as you can see...
Top: Darian Holtsman.
Middle: Seth Wolfshorndl
Bottom: Amber Stone
This one had to include "lobotomy" and "socks" (story seeds provided by Elton Gahr):


Top: Amber Stone
Middle: Seth Wolfshorndl
Bottom: Randy Rustin
This one had to include "wolf" and "eclipse" (story seeds provided by Elton Gahr):


Top: Seth Wolfshorndl
Middle: Randy Rustin
Bottom: Darian Holtsman
This one had to include "crutches" and "taser" (story seeds provided by Elton Gahr):


Top: Randy Rustin
Middle: Darian Holtsman
Bottom: Seth Wolfshorndl
This one had to include "lightning" and "vines" (story seeds provided by Elton Gahr):

And hey, what do you guys think of the new header graphic?

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